Stone Sculpture Symposium in USA 2009(Lasha Khidaseli) Argo Georgia 3:09 15 years ago 1 259 Далее Скачать
Stone Sculpture Symposium in USA 2010( Lasha Khidasheli) Argo Georgia 8:18 14 years ago 617 Далее Скачать
Paul Haggins - Irish Sculptor at Bergen Rocks Sculpture Symposium CasselmanCanada 15:35 11 years ago 282 Далее Скачать
Vandalia Chiseled Stone Sculpture Symposium sep 4 to 18, 2010 Argo Georgia 4:46 14 years ago 2 521 Далее Скачать
Stone Sculpture Symposium in USA 2014 (Lasha Khidasheli) Argo Georgia 9:28 10 years ago 380 Далее Скачать
“Stone in the Galilee” International Sculpture Symposium-2015 Roman “Maalot” Oz 5:02 9 years ago 787 Далее Скачать
Gerard Motondi - Kenyan Sculptor at Bergen Rocks Sculpture Symposium CasselmanCanada 15:52 11 years ago 491 Далее Скачать